Most of us have listened to or seen on television about flying saucers or the so-called UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS (UFOs). They are saucer-like objects which are seen in the sky suddenly coming from nowhere and disappear with a flick of second….!!!! Also, it is said that they move with a speed greater than the speed of light. I have made an attempt to answer some questions on this phenomenon that will make you rethink that “ Flying Saucers” do exist and their technology is based on higher science….!!!
This phenomenon can be explained using HUTCHISON EFFECT ( H-EFFECT). An inventor in Canada named John Hutchison is credited with one of science’s most unusual and controversial discoveries in 1979. It is described as a “highly-anomalous electromagnetic effect which causes the spontaneous levitation of common substances.” It is known as the Hutchison Effect or the H-Effect.
When a mass is induced by high-frequency radio waves and tesla coils it absorbs this energy and its mass begin to decrease as a consequence the object begins to levitate. When the object becomes lighter energy required for propulsion becomes less due to less inertia. Though one can explain the levitating phenomenon of heavy objects using H-effect. this theory was later discarded as Hutchison could not reproduce this effect after 1991.
The answer is yes.!! If we are capable to decrease the mass of an object to a photon (sounds practically impossible) then we can attain the speed of light. Also, less energy is required for the propulsion of these objects.
STS-75 was a United States Space Shuttle mission, the 19th mission of the Columbia orbiter in 1996. The primary objective of STS-75 was to carry the Tethered Satellite System Reflight (TSS-1R) into orbit and to deploy it spaceward on a conducting tether.Excerpts of video footage shot from STS-75 have been widely circulated by UFO enthusiasts, who believe that visual anomalies in the footage represent an unexplained paranormal phenomenon. The STS-75 crew identified the "UFOs" as small particles of debris filmed out of focus.
In 1996, NASA opened a physics lab on space energy propulsion (beyond light-speed theory) and all this happened after the STS-75 mission. 2 years later Dr. Franklin Chang-Diaz who was in the Fifth spaceflight as Payload Commander of STS-75 invented the revolutionary variable specific magnetoplasma rocket which used the same concept as we have used to explain the levitation of objects.
This implies that NASA knew that these flying saucers are a reality !!!!
Dropa stones, otherwise known as Dzopa, Dropas, or Drop-ka stones, in Ufology and cult archaeology, is said to be a series of 716 circular stone discs dated to be 12000 years old.
These Dropa stones were similar to the unidentified object seen on the STS-75 mission. Was it a coincidence?????!!!!!!

The Dropa stones were first mentioned in 1960 in the Russian newspaper Literaturnaya Gazeta and then reprinted in the "Current Digest of the Russian Press", a Russian language magazine published in America. This said that caves near the Himalayan mountains close to the Chinese-Tibetan border in January 1938 had been investigated by Chinese archaeologist Chi Pu Tei from Beijing University. He found skeleton remains of strange beings with a tiny body and large bulbous heads. He also found several cave drawings and carvings which show large round stones with a hole in the center, a rectangular notch at one end and a spiral groove all written in ancient characters. For twenty years the Dropa stones were said to have sat in storage before they were given to Tsum Um Nui for study in 1958. It is said he came to the conclusion that the grooves on the discs were actually very tiny hieroglyphs, none of which were of a pattern that had been seen before, and which can only be seen with the use of a magnifying glass. By 1962 he had allegedly deciphered them into a story that told of a spacecraft that crashed landed in the area of the cave, the Bayan Har Shan region and that the ship contained the Dropa people who could not fix it and therefore had to adapt to Earth. However, it has been claimed that Tsum Um Nui is not a real Chinese name. There is no mention of him in China outside of his connection to Dropa Stones Also, Tsum Um Nui is a "former Japanese name, but adapted to the Chinese language". Nor is there any mention in any records about Chi Pu Tei's expedition in 1938

The Dogon are an ethnic group living in the central plateau region of Mali, south of the Niger bend near the city of Bandiagara in the Mopti region. The population numbers between 400,000 and 800,000. In late 1946 Marcel Griaule spent a consecutive thirty-three days in conversations with the Dogon wiseman Ogotemmêli, the source of much of Griaule and Dieterlen's future publications. They reported that the Dogon believe that the brightest star in the sky, Sirius (sign tool or 'star of the Sigui), has two companion stars, pō too (the Digitaria star), and ęmmę ya too, (the female Sorghum. The orbit cycle takes 50 years In 1976 Robert K. G. Temple wrote a book called The Sirius Mystery arguing the same. Later in 1995, two French astronomers proved that Sirius has two more companion stars named B and C which revolve around Sirius A and take 50 years to complete one revolution. Also in 1997, they found out planets revolving around the stars of Sirius system.
The inter-dimensional shift can explain this effect. We know that anything beyond the visible range of 400-700nm will appear invisible to us. As stated earlier UFO‘s move with a high-frequency pulse. Thus UFOs are capable to alter the high frequency of their high quantized state to lower visible frequency visible range. That is why in most of the UFO sightings UFO appear to come and go instantly from nowhere.
These above explanations I find very interesting and logical. Though some theories and phenomenon have not been officially accepted or they have been controversial. I find these bizarre and pretty fascinating….!!! I am a strong believer that we are not alone. What’s your stand on aliens and UFO’s now, kindly comment below.
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